Minimal Update On Werenski- 3/28/22

5th Line, it's a very minimal update but one none the less.  The team is now reporting that it was a helmet to the mouth for Werenski, not the Wild players shoulder.  To me this makes sense, especially after seeing the video myself.  As I said, I wasn't able to watch the game and instead listened.  My only way of knowing the hit, in real time, was from their description.  Having seen it myself now I'll comment on it and agree with this assessment.  Further, how this wasn't a penalty still baffles me.  I understand checks can be rough, but to me this one was out of proportion.  

Regarding his condition for team use, he is currently listed on the Columbus Blue Jackets Injury Reserve List as "Day-To-Day".  This seems like mercy considering how he was hit and where.  Personally, I was worried he had a broken jaw for how long it took him to get up, thankfully with this timeframe, that's ruled out.  Thank goodness.  If there are any other updates I'll be sure to inform you all.  

Go CBJ!    


Jeff Svoboda Tweet: Brad "Larsen says Zach Werenski is day-to-day after that helmet to the chops Saturday night in Minnesota. They’ll see how he’s feeling tomorrow and go from there. #CBJ


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