My Thought's On The Bjorkstrand Trade And Who Could Get His "A" (Which Has Changed Since Yesterday) 7/24/22

Okay, before I get into where we're going, I'm going to address where we are.  Why?  I want to and this is my blog!  Regarding the Oliver Bjorkstrand trade, after Bob McElligott mentioned him being someone likely traded in his July 1st podcast, it was less of a shot to me when it happened Friday.  His cap hit nearly fit what we were over to keep Laine at his new 4 year, $8.7 Million deal.  Reminder, Bjorkstrand was signed at 5 years for $5.4 Million, 4 years remained.  As I said, the math made a lot of sense.  My issue is now how it was handled.  First, Bjorkstrand scored the most goals on this team last season, with 28 total.  To me, that's worth more than a 3rd and 4th round pick.  I've seen people say this and also say it was fair, how you feel is how you feel.  Personally, I feel it should've been a 2nd and 3rd in the 2023 NHL Draft. However, with that being said I don't think this was about getting the best trade for Bjorkstrand, after what I've seen on Twitter today.  Why?  After what I saw at Development Camp this year, I don't think we need those extra picks.  Now, injuries and such are an invisible truth, but with what we have we looked really good.  Going back to what we got though.  My reason for asking of higher picks makes sense to me when you consider it's Seattle, who needs someone like Bjorkstrand, with speed and the ability to score.  He also wore an "A" here last season, so on top of his scoring ability they also got a leader.  They made out very well, that's all I can say. 

My other issue stems from how telling him was handled.  Now, last season we lost Cam Atkinson in a trade.  To me this stung a bit but again it made sense.  He was part of an older team and the tides were changing, by way of a new coaching staff.  So, the team went full "reset" if you will, meaning the Captain and his Assistant Captains were all traded.  Further, we got back Voracek, who was a former Blue Jacket.  I think that made this trade a bit easier to swallow...a bit.  Now, when did Cam get the call he'd been traded to the Flyers?  During his son's Columbus Blue Jackets themed birthday party.  Not the best timing, but this was right after the draft.  My issue with Bjorkstrand is simple, the call he was traded was done during his honeymoon.  Birthdays you get many of...honeymoons you get one, if you're lucky and can even go. Also, if you're calling me a "sap" or saying I "care too much" about these players, I ask you to kindly check yourself right now.  I'm not trying to be rude, but I am positive those of you thinking this, likely have a jersey of your favorite player in your closet, right now.  To pay what a Jersey is, roughly $170-$280, you clearly "care" about that player, just saying!  Full disclosure, I don't have a Bjorkstrand Jersey, I'm just saying what I think here.  I think this was handled improper.  I get cap space was needed.  However, I also know who Jarmo Kekalainen is and that is a great General Manager.  If he was getting push back from those who monitor cap space for the NHL, I'd have told them this:  "I know the issue and a deal is set with Seattle.  The problem is fixed, however it will not be announced until next week.  This player has spent 9 years in this organization and helped our AHL Cleveland Monsters with the cup.  I will not be notifying him until he has returned from his honeymoon.  This is out of respect.  Further, the season does not start tomorrow and training cam does not start until next week.  By the time it does we will be compliant."  Now, would this have worked?  I'm betting not because I think Jarmo would've done this, I hope he did.  However, I would've said this and put my foot down, for my player and at least tried.  Again, after seeing Jarmo talk about this trade yesterday, I think he did try this and those monitoring cap space just wouldn't have it.  In the end this is business, but there is good business and bad business.  To me this was just painful business, it fit the books but was sad to see him go like this.  Case closed.  

I wish Bjorkstrand and his wife the best in Seattle.  This is the end of my comments on the matter, moving on!  Moving on to what will happen to his "A" he's sadly left behind.  

I posted a poll in a well known Facebook Fan Group for this team, asking the exact question above.  Who get's Bjorkstrand's "A"?  The arguments were compelling, no lie.  Many think it should be Voracek.  Second was my choice of Gavrikov.  While distant runners up were Laine and Gaudreau.  Really, you could make an argument for any of those names, but when talking with a reader of mine last night, another name was brought up.  The name makes me feel so dumb because I've felt in my gut this young man would be something great...since I saw him Drafted in 2021, Cole Sillinger.  

Okay, I know some of you all just rolled your eyes, but just give me a moment.  Cole Sillinger I think could be an NHL Captain someday.  I've said that since pre-playoff's and many thought I was nuts.  Guess what?  Jeff Svoboda said weeks ago in a Skate Space that Jarmo Kekalainen said the same thing to him in a news conference!  So, there you go.  I don't get everything right but sometimes I get one.  So, beyond that, why make Cole Sillinger an Assistant Captain after just 1 season?  Don't worry, I have many reasons.  

1)  He was the only Drafted player in 2021 to play a full NHL Season on an NHL Roster.  He was in 79 games, missing 3.  However, he had 31 points, consisting of 16 goals and 15 assists.  Are those Rick Nash numbers?  No.  He appeared in just 74 games his first NHL Season, with 17 goals and 22 assists.  His total was 39 points.  Again, did he hit Nash's numbers?  No.  But being just 1 goal off his total goals is impressive.

2)  I don't have NHL Network, so I couldn't watch Rounds 2-7 of the NHL Draft.  Thankfully, Bob McElligott, Jeff Svoboda, Dylan Tryer and Jean-Luc Grand Pierre did a live broadcast on Twitter Space from the Bell Center!  During this Jeff was asked by one of them (I want to say Bob) what the new players knew about the team which had just drafted them?  In round 1 we took two players from outside the United States, who it was a great question.  Jeff said the common knowledge to all the guys he'd spoken with was, you guessed it, "Cole Sillinger".  They all knew who he was and that he was our First Round, Pick 12 the year prior.  This leads into 3.  

3)  If Sillinger was given the "A" it could help this team a lot.  Our Captain Boone Jenner is 29.  Our two Assistant Captains remaining are Zach Werenski, who just turned 25 and Gus Nyquist, who is currently 32.  It's no secret that this team is young.  If I'm not mistaking, we had the youngest average team in the NHL last season.  In my mind that would make Cole Sillinger a perfect option for the "A".  He's been in Columbus alone for a full season.  He knows what is expected of players on this team.  The men in the Blue Jackets locker room speak highly of him and again, Jarmo said he could see him being a Captain someday.  Personally, I'd rather have him be our Captain than see us play against his team where he is!  

If Cole Sillinger has a level head, which I think he does, along with the ability to put up points and the recognition of these new players coming in, this seems to be an open and shut case.  Now, will it stack up against giving one of the older veterans the "A" instead?  Your guess is as good as mine!  All I'm saying is alongside Gavrikov, Voracek, Laine, Johnny Hockey and it maybe being given to no one at all...Cole Sillinger's name should be in the mix too.  What I do know is with Emil Bemstrom still needing a deal, Development Camp players still needing a decision, the cap space still high as it stands now (without players being sent to Cleveland) and my gut saying Jarmo still may not be done shocking us yet...the off-season is still very far from over 5th Line!

Go CBJ!  




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