Why is Brad Larson Still the Columbus Blue Jackets Head Coach? My Theory of Where This Franchise is Going, and How It's Build for Future Success

It should come as no surprise to you all that I have been a fan of the Columbus Blue Jackets since 2000 and have only cared more about the team since I started covering them (on another site) in May 2020. With that being said, this isn't the storybook season many expected, the opposite, actually. So, why is Brad Larson still the Head Coach? It's been a significant topic on Social Media, that one loan question, and it's sparked a sizable debate, at times even dividing the most die-hard fans. Here is my theory upon listening to Bob McElligottt's 1/9/23 "Monday Mailbag" Podcast.  

When a fan questioned Head Coach Brad Larson's understanding of "line chemistry" and Bob dismissed the question, defending the HC of the Columbus Blue Jackets, my mind started turning. If I've realized anything in the last few weeks, it's how much I enjoy the logic behind hockey. I'd add in "defending our team," too, but I've done that since I was six. Anyway, many have said (including myself for about three months now) that the injuries on this team are "uncontrollable" and that Brad Larson is doing the best he can with the uninjured players he has. Keep in mind a lot of the roster right now is made up of AHL Players, many of whom have never seen the NHL ice until this season and spent little time in the AHL. Further, a large group of those players is from somewhere other than this country, and with that fact comes a learning curve of how hockey is played here, both on an AHL and NHL level. Keep this in mind as we go back to Summer 2021.  

Many questioned at that time (Summer 2021) why Brad Larson had been named the Head Coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets. After all, he was the Powerplay Coach, and the season before...well, the Powerplay could have been better. (Sorry, Larson, it just wasn't.)  So, when this team interviewed Head Coaches with more experience, many of us were left scratching our heads at the decision. I'll admit, I was one of those for a time and then rallied around this new opportunity. However, tonight, I've discovered some understanding I don't think many have:

With John Tortorella leaving and many experienced players traded away (Foligno, Atkinson, Jones, and so on), the idea of a "rebuild" was apparent. The front office knew this, obviously. They passed on experienced Head Coaches, who may not have stuck around through a rebuild (coached here a few years and then left for a shiny team who made the playoffs but was knocked out, leaving us without a coach in a rebuild). If this scenario played out, even with young players who'd played in the NHL for a couple years, we'd then start over with a new coach. In my mind, this would've made the rebuild more drawn out and painful for the team and its fans. So, they took another approach, hiring from within.  

Think about it, this team, this season, has been through some serious hell. We've lost so many players so early into the season, and two (Justin Danforth and Zach Werenski) won't even see the ice until the 2023-24 NHL Season. Something can be said for injuries and Head Coach Larson having no control. However, even with the monumental singing of Johnny Gaudreau, this is "a team sport, not a me sport." (After school special here, I know, but it works). Consider this, though, Head Coach Larson was promoted to be the Head Coach here when he'd never been an NHL Head Coach before, right as this team was recruiting and rebuilding like crazy. To me, this was a good decision. Head Coach Larson can learn how to become that top-tier Head Coach Columbus is craving, while building these young players with so much potential into the playoff team Columbus wants to see. When both of these situations reach their peak performance...it will be what this NHL town has been waiting for.  

Many want to see this team not win (yeah, I know), so we get a higher draft pick in 2023. However, Bob mentioned something in his podcast that rang true, which he'd been told by one of our players. "Confidence instead of hope," that's what Gavin Bayreuther said to Bob this past Saturday as an Overtime win happened for the Columbus Blue Jackets against a powerhouse Carolina Hurricanes team. This team needs to win because, for one, losing the most this season doesn't give us the automatic 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd draft pick. However, second and most important, is one great drafted player worth your team being torn down and losing their confidence? No. a player can lace up a pair of hockey skates right now, go out and shoot a puck, hoping it goes into the net...but if he's confident he can shoot that puck into the net...it's a different game and team dynamic altogether. And the players in the draft are excellent, there is no doubt, but I don't want fans jumping to what they did this past summer. I can't tell you how many times I heard on Twitter Spaces or read on Social Media that we'd "win the Stanley Cup" with Johnny here. Remember, folks, not one player, even a fantastic player, does an NHL TEAM make.  

So, here you have it, my thoughts on Head Coach Larson and where the Columbus Blue Jackets are going. I planned to do this post in April, but after listening to Bob McElligott tonight, I couldn't resist posting this theory. (If I didn't, I'd keep going through it all night!)  I encourage those who don't listen to his podcast "CBJin30, to look it up. With that all being said, I wish you all a good night, and we'll talk tonight when our Blue Jackets play the Lightning at 7:00 PM.

Go CBJ!    

Source:  Bob McElligott, CBJin30 Podcast, 9 January, 2023.  Bob McElligott on Twitter: "https://t.co/uD5l2BEJdD" / Twitter



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